14 September, 2010

Dorm Room

Long overdue.
My dorm room.

23 August, 2010

Oberlin, OH

This one isn't from Oberlin, but I rediscovered it in Oberlin. So it counts.
The Weltzheimer/Johnson House--Frank Lloyd Wright
Back Alley Mural by the Health Food Store

01 July, 2010

Holga pt. 2

I just got back my second roll of film taken with my Holga!
Unfortunately, my camera broke in the middle of shooting this roll, so a lot of the pictures were exposed and screwed up.

28 June, 2010

What? A new photo?

This afternoon, I went on a photo walk with Katy Wood and Christopher Martinez.
It was a bit chaotic.
Christopher overslept, it was raining on and off (which unfortunately didn't make it any cooler), and there were unforeseen wardrobe predicaments.
Nonetheless, it was fun.

18 June, 2010


As much as I love Texas, I'm ready to leave.
How far away is fall?

14 June, 2010

I Lied

I haven't done anything photography related like I said I would.
But here's a rediscovered re-edited photo!

03 June, 2010

Long Time No Blog

Now, I have a very legitimate excuse. Well...not really. Mostly, I haven't blogged because I haven't really taken many pictures (the few I took weren't even close to trying to be good).
HOWEVER this will change very very soon. Summer is here (officially, as of graduation yesterday) and I already have some photo dates (beginning next week with the lovely Austin Goodwin).
These are really old, but hey, they're pictures.

                                              Nell Bryden, NYC, September '09